I’m going to show you how to use the advanced game stats HUD offered by PokerBros.
A Poker HUD (Heads Up Display) is an indispensable tool for serious players.
If you use these stats properly, it can really help you become a more successful poker player.
The PokerBros app doesn’t support many third party professional poker softwares, but it does offer some built-in stat features.
Here you can see what it looks like.
As you can see, it offers 12 unique stats, which can help you make better decisions against specific opponents.
Here they are:
3-BET %
C-BET , which stands for continuation bet percentage
and then finally the TOTAL HANDS and TOTAL GAMES
These are the stats offered by the PokerBros HUD and how they are displayed.
For this next part of the video, I will go into some extra detail about how each of these numbers should be used.
VPIP % (Voluntarily Put Money in Pot)
The VPIP statistic displays the percentage of hands the players put money into the pot pre-flop.
It doesn’t count when you are putting in money for the small or big blind, because that is not voluntary.
This is widely regarded as the most important statistic, because it helps narrow down your opponents range.
Since the number shows how often a player is participating in a pot, we can logically agree that percentage should be close to their range.
Let’s take a look at this chart, which shows how often we should expect to start with certain hands.
A simple example is that if a person has a 5% VPIP, then they are most likely playing the top 5% of their range.
So out of all starting 2 card combinations, the top 5% include 88+ , ATs+ , KQs and AKo
Therefore, our opponent with a 5% VPIP is very likely to have one of the hands in this range.

PFR % (Pre Flop Raise)
Next we look at the PFR %
This shows how often a player makes a raise pre-flop.
Any type of raise will count towards a player’s PFR; opening raise, 3-bet or 4-bet.
The higher the PFR, the more aggressive the player is.
If a players PFR is too low, then they are only raising with premium hands. And if a players PFR is too high, they raise with a wide range.
You should think about these factors when deciding whether you should call or 3-bet.

This stat just shows how often a player opens from the button, or last position.
“Opens” means that the action folds around to them, and then the player makes a raise.
This type of action from last position is considered an attempt to “steal” the small and big blind.
If a player’s steal % is too high, it might be worth expanding your range when playing from the small or big blind.

Check-Raise %
The Check-Raise % shows how often a player check raises when they have a chance.
Example: a pre-flop raiser is out of position on the flop. He checks, then you bet, and player makes a raise.
This stat helps you decide whether you should try to steal the pot when in position.
If your opponent has a high check-raise %, it might be good idea to check back unless you have a monster.

3-Bet %
The 3-Bet % is the percentage of time that a player re-raises an opening raise pre-flop.
If a player has too low of a 3-Bet %, he can easily be taken advantage of.
The most common hands to 3-bet with in No Limit Hold’Em are pocket Queens, Kings, Aces and AK. These hands make up about 2.5% of all possible two card combinations.
Surprisingly, a huge number of poker players don’t 3-Bet often enough, and they become super predictable.
If a player has a 3-Bet percentage somewhere around the 3% range, you have a good idea of what you might be going up against.
Naturally, as the 3-Bet percentage gets higher, the player’s range gets wider. If it’s too high, you can start 4-Betting light.

C-Bet % (Continuation Bet)
Now let’s talk about the Continuation Bet.
This is when a player bets on the flop after making a pre-flop raise.
A majority of the time, in a heads up post-flop battle, neither player will hit the flop.
Despite this, the pre-flop raiser will often try to steal the pot.
If their C-Bet % is too high, you should consider calling them more often or even check-raising.

Fold to C-Bet %
The Fold to C-Bet stat is just as interesting.
This is how often a player calls a raise pre-flop and then folds to a bet on the flop.
If a player fold to c-bet % is too high, you can print money by relentlessly making continuation bets against them.
A simple example is that if a player’s fold to c-bet percentage is 80, then you statistically have an 80% chance to down the pot by making a continuation bet.
If it’s too low, you can profitably and aggressively value bet when you hit the flop.

WTSD % (Went to Showdown)
Lastly we have our showdown stats.
The first is the went to showdown percentage.
This is how often a player makes it all the way to showdown when he is in a pot.
You should look at this stat when you are deciding whether you should value bet or bluff.
A high WTSD means that you are going against some that calls too often, and your value bets will make you a lot of money.
A low WTSD indicates that you should bluff a lot against that player, because they will be folding more than they should.

W$SD % (Won Money at Showdown)
The won money at showdown percentage shows how often the player actually wins money at showdown.
Combined with the WTSD stat, this will give you a good idea about how often the player is bluffing.
If a player has a low WTSD, but high WMSD, they probably aren’t bluffing on the river often enough. If they bet, odds are that they have a really strong hand.
And if a player has a high WTSD and low WMSD, they are probably bluffing too often on the river, and you can call them with a bluff catching hand.

That wraps up all the important stats. The final two are just the total number of hands and total games played. These are basically just used to
make sure that all of the other stats are accurate. The more hands played, the higher the sample size, and therefore all of the other stats become more accurate.
These stats can all be super helpful, but don’t become too reliant on them. The greatest weapon for a poker player is being able to adjust to the opponents
at their table. If you are putting too much trust in the numbers, your opponents may notice, and use them against you. Make sure you are always paying attention
to your opponents tendencies and constantly adjusting your own game play.
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