You must contact @pokerclubsbros on telegram to have your application accepted!
2) Register an account on the Poker Bros Application.

3) Enter the username and password you want to use.
Please keep in mind that the username you put here will NOT be the same as the name that displays on the tables when you play. After this step, you’ll choose that name.

4) Enter the nickname you want to use.
At the tables, this is the name you’ll use. If you want, you can use the default name it generates.

5) You've created an account and are now ready to join a club
After you confirm your username, you’ll be sent to the main app lobby. When you press the magnifying glass, you’ll be asked to enter a club and referral ID number.

6) Enter 21826 or 1621874 for the club code and 2651522 for the referrer code, then hit next.

7) Connect with us on Telegram!
Message @pokerclubsbros on Telegram. You will be approved and can start playing right away!